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Nov 13, 2006



Oh boy! This is sad. And I thought that this happens only in Romania. Silly me :) I remember when I started. There was only one reply. And it proved to be the right one. Lucky me.

Chris Bowden

I'm a 35 year old designer from Australia and I was recently on a visit to London and figured while I was there I'd contact a couple of studios to see if I could have a look around and a chat, maybe answer some questions for my blog. Now I wasn't looking for a job and I stressed I didn't want to take up too much of their time, I contacted maybe 20 studios and got one reply! New York was a lot more accomodating pretty much everyone I got in contact with at least replied and a fair number agreed to see me as well.

Cameron Skene

I work as graphic designer and am also studying graphic design. One of my assignments this year was to submit 10 questions to any designer of my choosing. Out of all the designer's I contacted only 3 replied and only 1 said they would take the time to answer my questions. That designers name was Andy Rutledge and his answers were very thoughtful and much appreciated.


6 of 7 design companies in Newcastle replied to my friendly letter when I arrived in town asking for a handshake and 15 minutes of their time and said "Come on in for a chat and a cuppa", but only 1 out of 7 in Edinburgh. Such a pity.


Answering genuine email requests is a form of marketing. Not answering is arrogant and ignorant. And it reflects badly on any practice to ignore students it's own profession. They have long memories.


Hi Ben,
I sent you an email a week ago,but I still haven't got your reply.


I've been waiting for someone to say that!

We've just moved to a new email provider and a lot of stuff has been lost in the junk. What email address did you use?


[email protected]


Found it!

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