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Apr 05, 2007



Sorry honesty is the best policy; why didn't you just use
DS Bees

They are both better than your logotype?


DesignFan81, Kada is a nice font, but it won't work as well for what we're planning for the posters.

Plus the logotype we've used is hand drawn, which is always better.


it's all good this.


I like the thinking. The type is a little blobby for my liking, but that does give it an interesting three-dimensional suggestion … which I suspect may be relevant somewhere down the line.

I’ll pop a T-shirt in the post when I remember.


very good ideas for tshirts and bags, i wish i could get a ticket somehow since i missed buying one and now they're gone.


But how are you meant to stencil the 'O's when there is no joining bar?

And, why must it be carbon neutral when you are calling for entries via the internet, which is anything but carbon neutral (= millions of computers all turned on)?

henry lambert

great ideas Ben and the font's cool. I'll send you a T soon.


Well done. Screen printing is going to experience a renaissance I reckon.

Roo Reynolds

Lovely logotype, but the re-use idea is really seriously top-notch.

My first thought on reading it: now that *is* an interesting idea.


I'm interested in why you're restricting t-shorts to ticket holders. If the shirts are going to be as interesting as they sound, wouldn;t other people be curious enough to try them (and promote the conference at the same time)?


bloody genius idea.


it's so refreshing to see a designer working with application/substance/language instead of being preoccupied with another logo.

it's 2007, can't we be honest and just say that if you look at 30 decent marks, they all look kinda the same anyways?



Ben, seems fair enough to me that anyone can have a t-shirt if they want one. As long as you're happy to screen-print them. I guess they should probably send you the traditional Stamped Self-Addressed Envelope to get them back though.

(People coming to the thing will get theirs on the day.)


First off, I'm glad people like it. Thanks for the comments.

DesignFan81 - you've raised a good point about the use of a computer. Russell is looking into making the whole conference carbon neutral and we're trying not to add more than we have to.

If you want to make a stencil and slice the O's, then go for it.

Mark - yes that's a good idea. If you want a tshirt and you don't have a ticket, simply send your tshirt in but include an Stamped Addressed Envelope so that we can return them.

zacharyr - you've hit the nail on the head. 30 decent marks will probably look the same. At least they'll end up looking the same if they're presented in a meeting. What was important for this project and what's important for us is the application/substance/language of the idea.

Ben H

Recylcling idea is great, as always. I was wondering round you flickr earlier, and I saw your pic called 'N'. I wondered what it is, and I still do, but it's part of the logo.

Where'd you take that pic?

Was that what inspired your work?


Really? Plastic bags? I mean, yes, you're re-using, but...


Ben H

So what would be your alternative to plastic bags? Paper ones?


Ooh, I'm gonna send a T-shirt. Well done Mark. It all sounds ace Ben. Wish I could be there.

Ben H

May send a t-shirt if I can find one too.

About the logo. I've had a play around. I came up with this: (does HTML work in comment boxes?)


I've added a few notes for improvement on there. Check it out. It was made in GIMP.



great, great ideas Ben. gutted i missed out on a ticket.

Rob Mortimer

Nice ideas


great ideas - i can hardly wait to get there :)


Ben H - the pic called 'N' is something we've been working on for this project.

Helen - yes that's a good point. Technically they don't have to be plastic bags. We're going to collect the bags we use and reuse them. Most of them will be plastic, I guess. But at least we're using them again thus stopping more stuff getting produced.

diana - look forward to seeing you again!

Ben H

My logo with some modifications (which are noted on the image) can be found here:


Comments are much appreciated, as well as suggestions.


I know a screen printer for T - Shirts which is about as carbon neutral as you're going to get, and can use enviro friendly inks which will in addition age with the garment and add to the aesthetic of an overprinted garment. Interested ? If not I'll shut up.


Not interested in the printer - we're gonna do that ourselves, here at HQ.

I am very interested in the "enviro friendly inks which will in addition age with the garment and add to the aesthetic of an overprinted garment".

Tell me more.


I think if you're doing it yourself then it's probably not so much of an issue. How are you going to do it ? Do you have screens ?


We have screens.

Email me.


I'm rubbish at html - can anyone help me out with some code to pop a button on my blog to link to interesting2007.com?


Word - this is awesome - will be sending a t asap.


Ben H

There are 2 points in the current issue of Computer Arts. Screen-printing and being a greener designer. It says so here:


I should be getting the mag tommorrow - I'll be on my way to the Tate Modern and Design Museum.


i love all of it!! i'm so looking forward to the whole experience. i've already got my t-shirt picked out (to send from london, rather than melbourne, australia) and i love the idea of recycled plastic bags. go team!

dan burgess

genius. time to have a dig in the Tee drawer

Roo Reynolds

It's getting close now. Am I too late to send you a t-shirt to pick up on the day?


Closing day is Wednesday 13th June.


Don't suppose I could drop a couple round???




I’m really sad that I failed to send a shirt in time. I’ll self-flagellate later. Picked one out last night to pop in the post today. Then left it at home instead of taking it to the Post Office. D’oh.


Have you eventually printed that shirt?


Are you going to do an interesting 2010.
By the way, Ben, you just don't look like a designer, exept for the glasses :D


Hi Fiona, ask Russell about Interesting 10 http://russelldavies.typepad.com/

Glad I don't look like a designer!


it should be very interesting if it was year 2010.

I agree with fiona for glasses ;)

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