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Oct 19, 2007



But why's she sitting in a room with a door that's only 3 foot high?

Nuno Coelho

And the picture is pretty sexual.

the door thing is quite intriguing indeed


Maybe the door is normal height, maybe I'm actually 3m tall...

Mike Towers

very nice... looking forward to the forthcoming week


But if you're 3m tall, that would mean you're holding an A1 notebook. I hope that doesn't mean your posts are going to be 4,000 words long (you know, a bit like Stephen Fry http://stephenfry.com/blog/ ).

Willie Baronet

Oooooh, and she's cute!

Nuno Coelho

3m tall.. ok i buy it. :)


ooh! i read about the architectural association show on 'graphic design in architecture' and in some weird experience-by-proxy thang i was going to ask you, ben, whether you had seen it and if you were going to blog about it. but maybe i should ask you, henrietta, instead!

or not.


Ooh, how exciting, welcome Henrietta! Really looking forward to the posts.


ben, did you make that "guest" sign all by yourself? :)


Lauren - you're best off asking Henrietta, definitely.

Jon - haha yes. All by myself.


Wow... she is hot.

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