I've been a bit slow with the 12 Posts of Christmas. I know, I know, please stop emailing in. All back on track now. First up, The Funnies.
Right at the start of the year were these Poster Hacks which made me smile.
Then the EU started a competition to create "a fresh new logo for organic products". The winner got €6,000. And now, a year later you can vote from a shortlist of three.
The Sun blocked Bob Crow's driveway with a bus so he could see how it felt not being able to get to work. TechCrunch wrote about Newspaper Club and called the blog "hilariously frank".
WW2 propaganda posters got reworked with a modern twist.
Pete Dungey's Alan Keys. Student project of the year.
Stephen Fry gave a speech at Lords and demonstrates how to be brilliant, funny, warm and touching about nothing much. Brilliant and hilarious.
“Now, many of you will be wondering by what right I presume to stand and speak in front of this assembly of all that is high and fine and grand and noble and talented in the world of cricket, and to speak too in this very temple of all that is historic, majestic and ever so slightly preposterous and silly in that world? I certainly can’t lay claim to any great cricketing achievements. I can’t bat, I can’t field, I bowl off the wrong foot. That sounds like a euphemism for something else, doesn’t it? “They say he bowls off the wrong foot, know what I mean? He enters stage left. Let me put it this way, he poles from the Cambridge end of the punt.”
Graeme and Paul in Romania, or rather, in Romanian. The Michael Jackson Pantone swatches.
Never got enough plug sockets? Make a whole wall of them.
Planner Russell Davies invents the term "gleeful emo collapsism" and Corporate Blogger of the Year, Neil Christie rates Campaign's digital efforts.
You must read this APG paper written by a monkey. And you must read CampbellLaceBeta discovering Skype. Both very funny for different reasons.
Boris wades into the missing Thames debacle via Twitter and Kraft launch a Vegemite product called iSnack2.0. Seriously.
Everyone's parents were awesome.
And Hey Jude, the info graphic.
Sorry for not crediting everyone, it would simply take too long. I have included full instead. Hope that's OK.
I can't believe the EU competition website tilted the EU flag that way. Apart from that, there should be a fourth option which say "None of them."
Posted by: Moeed Mohammad | Dec 18, 2009 at 20:38