Today was one of those days that's hard to explain to the in-laws.
You know, what are you doing today? Is it work? Is it with people from work? Is it with friends? Is it a conference? Is it for fun? No, yes, all of those and more. But also less. Something, everything and nothing.
Stuff is happening at the moment that I feel we'll look back upon and enjoy saying, I was there. Papercamp was one of those.
(more pictures here)
What happened to my video interview? I thought you said that was to be shown at the end of the day? Or did I misunderstand?
Posted by: John | Oct 10, 2010 at 18:46
You misunderstood.
Posted by: Ben | Oct 11, 2010 at 09:58
Posted by: John | Oct 12, 2010 at 11:13