PaperCamp 2 is happening this Saturday. Come along, it will be nice to see you there.
Crafts people, developers, designers, writers, anyone! SIGN UP IT IS FREE.
Follows, blurb:
Papercamp 1 was like this:
Papercamp 2 will be the same but different:
It's been thrown together rather opportunistically because the venue suddenly became available, so there won't be as many visitors from foreign lands.
There'll be lots more making stuff, courtesy of Stu Bannocks and his gang:
There'll be quick talks from the stage. Let us know if you fancy doing one - email Matt: [email protected].
There'll be tea and biscuits.
We'll be starting at 12, going to 5 and then heading for the pub.
It'll be at the Conway Hall, Red Lion Square. this Saturday - October 9th.
Pictures taken by Matt Jones who is in my list of the top 10 best people ever.
Brain-storm it looks,I think
Posted by: Pablo | Oct 06, 2010 at 13:41