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Mar 13, 2011


Ashley Dean Newall

Sunday night's hot chocolate is helping me imagine that 'joy' beside the motorway. It'd be fantastic to have something like that there.

Would make driving on the motorway a lot brighter.


OK for the massive things, but please give me Angry, Sad, Dangerous things too. Enough with the Happy stuff! Charlie Sheen everywhere!


I'm looking forward to Mark Wallinger's massive happy horse. Massive and white.

Thinking about it, those prehistoric people agreed with you - you don't get much more massive and happy than the Cerne Abbas giant, do you? Perhaps you could put a picture of him up?


Gareth that is a brilliant idea


Massive is happening soon on the Southbank.


Did you see the book by unit editions. Supergraphics?

And flocks of starlings.

And power stations that look like robots near Edinburgh

And power station chimneys

And mills.

Deborah Connolly, Creative Leadership Coach

Thank you for dropping this in as a MHT on the landscape of my day!


Driving to work this morning made me think of this post. The new Redhayes Bridge at Exeter should have been the other way up; then it wold have been a HUGE smile (and possibly an unsafe structure?!?)


Sam Roberts

Thanks for mentioning the Ghostsigns Project, we're currently looking for help with trying to increase the scope to a global initiative: http://www.ghostsigns.co.uk/blog/ghostsignsworldwide


What a happy post!

jotta and Kopparberg Cider are looking for designs for Kopparberg t-shirts to be used this summer. Think you might be interested?

Contest details: http://www.jotta.com/jotta/published/home/article/v2-competitions/1417/find-kopparberg-t-shirt-design-competition


Nice. Reminds me of the "I'm so tall" tag on Bowery, right below Houston, in Manhattan, which, no matter how many times I see it, always makes me smile. Here's a shot: http://nycshawnphotos.tumblr.com/post/2581147523/im-so-tall-on-the-bowery-nyc-roll-1-of-2011


Reminds me of this I use to pass in Amsterdam on the way to work, it was only there a week but made me smile everytime I cycled past.



Dominic Cronin

Yes - I remember that too. Just by the RAI turnoff on the A10 ring road.

Pepe Fenjul Jr.

I think, these pics it brings a smile to your face. Just because it brightens up a dull landscape. Massive Happy Things.

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