As a special gift for the RSS Pisceans here's my first ever blog weeknotes. There will be no more. Just be grateful it's not a newsletter.
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Got up reassuringly early all days apart from Friday.
The unpredictable weather and the unpredictable trains made my plans more unpredictable than I would have liked.
The puncture I fixed last week punctured again. Bought a new tyre and in a text book upsell booked myself a bike service. First one since covid I think?
S got 91% in his A-level Art coursework.
Went out four nights in a row. Not big nights but still Out. Utterly unsustainable, so I cancelled the fifth night.
S and A dog sat a dog while we went to the school show. Everyone survived.
Tried my first ever non alcoholic hipster beer. The ones with the scratchy illustrations on the cans. Didn't hate it as much as I thought I would.
Scraped the mud off the path. Lifted four patio slabs. Fitted a light to the porch.
Messaged a neighbour to ask if he had a jet wash I could borrow for the aforementioned path, he replied that he had a jet accompanied with a picture of him on a private jet.
Saw Jason Statham in the village.
Y accidentally washed her phone with her school uniform.
Which hipster beer? I’m 12 weeks into a 52-week bout of not drinking, collecting all the recommendations I can get!
Posted by: Stevenjmesser | Mar 20, 2023 at 08:08